Sunday 2 September 2012

Peasant and Poet

Today has been a day of blobbing about. It has been drizzling all day and not very conducive to anything much. At about 11.30am we managed to gird up our loins to take a walk towards Stephansplatz with a view to strolling down the Graben to look at various buildings which still have their original Kaiserlich und Korniglich imperial and royal warrant. All these buildings date from the Baroque and the Belle Époque periods. Originally this boulevard was the town moat. One must speculate as to the "moatation" as this is only about 200m long! The monument in the centre is to the deliverance from the plague in 1679.
From there we strolled back towards our apartment in search of sustaining food as the opera starts early tonight and there won't be time for dinner. We found this at the Gosser Bierklinik. It was so sustaining, including a stein each of the bitterest beer we've ever tasted, that we could barely walk back to the apartment!
Well tonight was a treat indeed. We went to the Volksoper to see Die Fledermaus and we thought it was spectacular. We had to pick up our tickets an hour before the performance started which meant being there by about 6pm. Then we had to hang around. When we checked the tickets and saw our seating we were very unsure about how enjoyable this was going to be as they were front row seats! They proved to be about the best in the house. They were well back from the stage as there was a wide orchestra pit, so we had a great view of everything including the English surtitles. We both thought it was one of the most enjoyable evenings we've spent in a long time.

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